Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus


5F Manual Modality Training

Level up your specialization with the 5F Manual Modalities: a context-specific, hands-on methodology for assisting your clients with spiral motion.  

Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus

Learn the 5F systematic approach to ASSISTING spiral motion 

You're a movement educator with some experience with the Five Filaments in your spiral motion practice. If you have a 5F Level 1 Practitioner qualification (meaning you have completed either an Immersion or a Practicum), you are ready to enter the 5F manual modalities.

5F Curriculum
Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus

Learn the 5F systematic approach to ASSISTING spiral motion 

You're a movement educator with some experience with the Five Filaments in your spiral motion practice. If you have a 5F Level 1 Practitioner qualification (meaning you have completed either an Immersion or a Practicum), you are ready to enter the 5F manual modalities.

5F Curriculum
Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus


How do I become a Level 1 Practitioner?

Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus

Activity & Passivity, INTEGRATED

Who is a 5F Advanced Practitioner? The 5FAP is a professional movement educator who understands the power of integrating active and passive approaches to spiral motion. 

A 5FAP is passionate about optimizing functional outcomes through a balanced repertoire of movement. We know that strength and mobility are equally crucial for longevity.

The 5F approach to manual modalities is context-specific and tailored to the individual. What unites each modality is the focus on getting clients actively invested in their spiral motion as a strategy for healing, positive performance outcomes, and gentle aging.  

Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus

Activity & Passivity, INTEGRATED

Who is a 5F Advanced Practitioner? The 5FAP is a professional movement educator who understands the power of integrating active and passive approaches to spiral motion. 

A 5FAP is passionate about optimizing functional outcomes through a balanced repertoire of movement. We know that strength and mobility are equally crucial for longevity.

The 5F approach to manual modalities is context-specific and tailored to the individual. What unites each modality is the focus on getting clients actively invested in their spiral motion as a strategy for healing, positive performance outcomes, and gentle aging.  

The Five Filaments: spirality in motion for all movers | Spiral Syllabus

The 5F Advanced Practitioner: Retreats designed to educate & inspire

The 5FAP is a program of Retreats. Each Retreat focuses on a context-specific Manual Modality. The Retreats are open to all 5F L1 Practitioners. Is this investment pathway right for you?

The 5FAP is for you if:

  •  You are a 5F Level One Practitioner or ready to become one prior to attending your first Retreat.
  •  You are a self-initiated lifelong learner passionate about movement as healing.
  •  You are interested in community, mentorship, and continuing education.
  •  You are interested in applying the theoretical aspect of spiral anatomy to a system of movement that will augment your current approach.

This training is not for you if:

  • You do not love the serenity and focus of a Retreat-style atmosphere.
  • You are not prepared to gain your Level 1 Practitioner status prior to investing in a Retreat.
  • You are content with the nuts-and-bolts model of classical biomechanics.
  • You are attached exclusively to a predefined system of movement.
  • You prefer either an entirely passive or entirely active approach to movement therapy.


Practice using your body to actively constrain filaments in support of "functional wrapping".


Use the 'furling-unfurling' principle to assist your clients in exploring their globally distributed core.


Work with your clients on their often-overlooked individuation capacity.

The Five Filaments: The Curriculum | Spiral Syllabus

The Curriculum

The Five Filaments functions as a spiral curriculum (surprise!) where all the constituent modules interact nonlinearly.

The Five Filaments Advanced Practitioner (5FAP) distinction is awarded to Five Filaments Specialists (5FS) with the successful completion of their first Manual Modality Retreat training. It is possible to do this in any order as long as you start with the L1 Practitioner qualification.

The 5FAP Manual Modality Retreats are only available in person. 

E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance | Five Filaments Specialist - Spiral Syllabus

Your immersive JOURNEY into SPIRALITY 

5F Level 1 Practitioner

Grow as a movement educator equipped to lead your own spiral anatomy-infused offering. Start with the Practicum or the Immersion and gain a strong foundation for gradually building up to the Five Filaments Specialist qualification. These modules are available as self-paced asynchronous, live online, and in-person experiences.

Spirality Immersion
Five Filaments Specialist | Spiral Syllabus